Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There is beauty in the broken

Hello all you lovely ladies! I was doing my daily devotion this morning and looking outside and couldn't help but share with you girls what the Lord revealed to me this morning. So sit back, drink some tea and please read with excitement God's love for his people:

I love the rain! And unfortunately I only get to see cloudy and overcast days 2 weeks out of the year because I live in southern california. But when those 2-3 weeks do come, I joyfully run to my rainboots and slide them on eagerly then skip to my coats and scarfs and pick an outfit to match! Splashing in puddles brings me back to childhood, a time where worries were only about friends and what to present for show-and-tell days.

I love the contrasting colors of green and grey. The vibrant green foliage stands out even more with the beautifully frightening grey background. It reminds me so much of life and the beauty of the broken. We are all broken, we are human. But there is something so amazingly gorgeous about the broken, and that is Jesus Christ. I can say that there is beauty in the broken because I know that Jesus makes us whole. He is our wholeness and that wouldn't be possible if we were not broken. Sure, there may be dark, dreary days but Jesus is what makes me splash in the puddles with joy on those days.

Let me give you a personal example of brokenness. Last night, one of my dear friends from high school (whose name I shall not say) and I met over coffee to catch up. I had felt so convicted for not calling her or talking to her sooner because she just spilled every emotion, thought and concern that was racing through her mind. From divorcing parents, to a rocky relationship and scarce girlfriends this friend was clearly dealing with several emotional distractions that definitely left her broken. But despite all of these aspects that made my friend break down, I could not help looking at her and seeing an extraordinary amount of beauty. Jesus loves the broken because he loves to come in and rescue and make you whole through him. I felt extremely privileged to look upon my friend, in tears and in brokenness, and see her like her Savior sees her. How amazing is that! I do not know whether she understood why I was staring at her and smiling (she must have clearly thought me crazy or creeperish for wearing a huge smile on my face while she was balling her eyes out), but the Lord really put it in my heart to tell her that her beauty has never shined brighter than it was right then (and that's where she probably thought me psycho to the core). But the point is that even when we think that our world is at the ultimate low and we cannot imagine ourselves crawling out of the huge hole that was dug beneath us, God comes in with a rope, calls us his "beloved" and rescues us from the pits of despair. And that's what makes us beautiful to him!

We are all tremendously broken, but made whole, solely, through Jesus Christ!


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